Friday, December 17, 2010

Leftover Love.

Yesterday, I was thinking about how many great people I've met and how many great associations and friendships I am a part of.
I went on to consider how committed I am in each of those associations and I'd do anything for anyone and how I seek to truly express the love of God to those I know.

Then I began to wonder, "if you ask people about me, they'd say I'm extremely comforting, loving, and accommodating, but if you asked God the same question, would His response be the same?"

Unfortunately, I don't think so...

I then began to realize that I'm guilty.

Not guilty of some heinous acts of sin that can never be forgiven and that will send me directly to hell, no.
But guilty of giving God the last little bits of me.

Proverbs 3:9 says, "Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce." (NLV)

This does not only apply to tithes and offerings, but to everything we do!

We'll wake up at the crack of dawn to get a new pair of Jordans (*cough, slowly raises hand...I'm guilty),

We'll wake up at 6am just to complete an assignment for an 8am class (guilty again),
We'll break our sleep in the middle of the night and answer the phone to talk to our best friends or to "boo love" (I'm stepping on my own toes again)

So why won't we make the same sacrifices to pray, read the Bible, and spend time with our Father?

Why do we spend 24 hours and 55 minutes a day loving on everyone else and then give the One who created us the last 5 minutes before we fall asleep?

We have to do better.

This morning, I woke up two hours early (and I'm saying this not for any type of acknowledgment, simply to pledge my commitment to growing in Christ) and I spent some time with God. I read, I prayed, and I worshiped. Heck, I even got to eat some breakfast!

But today is only one day out of 364.

We have to create a routine and be consistent with it y'all.

Proverbs 8:17 says "I love them that love Me, and those who seek Me early shall find Me." (KJV)

Let's start seeking God
early and stop giving Him leftover love!

You could try starting with 15 minutes...little is better than nothing and it provides a foundation for growth.


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...I'm just a reflection of Him. "He is the truth and He is so real and I love the way that He makes me feel...His light it shines so bright, I wouldn't lie."