Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Queen Germophob

Somehow I've contracted pink eye...

I don't understand :(

I haven't been around any children or any elderly.

And no, no one farted on my pillowcase.

As humorous as that may be and as endearing as the "ew's" I've been getting sound, it hurts like hell.
...Okay, perhaps hell is an exaggeration, BUT it feels really weak and kind of gritty, like I have something in my eye.

But because of this, I'm now a certified germophob. I've been making great use of my bleach wipes, I've discarded my mascara and cleaned all of my contact lenses cases, and I wash my hands...CONSTANTLY.

I'm thinking that I either got it through my contact lenses or from the gym. I never realized how many germs are probably on the hand rails of the treadmill...and the buttons. So, whenever I am able-bodied enough to go back, my bleach wipes will be coming with me.

Don't mean to push an agenda, BUT did you know that cell phones are dirtier than toilet seats?

(Holds out bleach wipe)...*here, help yourself.

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...I'm just a reflection of Him. "He is the truth and He is so real and I love the way that He makes me feel...His light it shines so bright, I wouldn't lie."