Saturday, June 11, 2011


I haven't blogged in soooo long!! You know how you have a lot to catch up on, but it's SO much that you can't really remember everything?

Yeah, so I'm definitely having one of those moments...

Well, let's see where to begin--I'm going to grad school!!
I found out about a month ago that I got accepted, so I prayed, talked to some friends, and decided that it would be a better decision for me to go straight to school rather than take one of the jobs I was offered or move as I was planning to do. I went to orientation a week or so ago and I'm really eager to begin school in the fall. Unfortunately however, the work has already began as we have to write a whole new personal statement in order to get a practicum placement...but I'm good for it so I won't complain!!

Another exciting thing is that my 21st birthday is vastly approaching. 10 days and counting!! I'm uber excited because I'll finally be grown!! This is a pretty monumental birthday in my opinion and I can't wait to celebrate! Hopefully someone will get me those Lil' Wayne tickets I've been ranting about (LOL)

Hm, let's see what else?? My locs are growing and locing rather nicely. Currently, they need to be retwisted, but I have this really cute way of twisting the two sides outward and pinning it back and I've gotten a lot of compliments about that, so that's how it's going to stay until my hair appointment. This week, three of my friends have birthdays, one of which has decided to have a million and one festivities (on different days), so I guess I'll be having the same hairstyle for every one of her celebrations. June is also home to my younger sister's birthday and just acted as the month in which her and my younger brother graduated from my alma mater. That was really exciting, especially because my best friends came out and supported. It's so nice when friends become family, and when people are as loyal to you as you are to them. In the past, present, (and I'm sure, future), I've encountered a lot of shady people so it really means a lot when dependability and support are reciprocated.

So, the last thing I can think of talking about is that I got an IPOD Touch and I LOVE IT!! It's so amazing!! I used to be anti-Apple...I wasn't too vociferous about it, but I honestly didn't understand what the big deal was. I had my Blackberry and the radio in my car, and Pandora on a good day, so that was all the connectivity to the outside world that I needed...or so I thought. Until I met "Poddy." Now we're inseparable and I want to get "Paddy" and "Macky" to keep her company. It's so funny how I name everything that comes into my presence. For instance, the stuffed animals on my bed: Darcy, Colin, and Tiger. I love them (LOL).

Oh well, that's all folks :)


My photo
...I'm just a reflection of Him. "He is the truth and He is so real and I love the way that He makes me feel...His light it shines so bright, I wouldn't lie."