Monday, April 25, 2011

Another unsung my eyes, at least.

I heard it from Magic Johnson..."craziness to excel."

I randomly turned on my television today, which isn't something I normally do...and rather than flicking to the normal BET or Disney, I actually browsed the selections to see what was available.

I don't know what made me choose this documentary, but I just felt like I should watch it.

And now, I'm in love with Larry Bird. Well, his drive at least.

It's only been about fifteen minutes since I tuned into the show...huge emphasis on "the," seeing as I have absolutely no idea what I'm watching (lol).

I've watched Bird rebound HIS OWN shots, ultimately exceling in a league where he was outnumbered.

It was rare during those times that blacks had anything of their own. And with segregation still in its prime, you'd assume that a "white boy" would rather inflict the pain than receive it...but no, not Bird. He made a name for himself, and it wasn't simply because he was white. It was because he was good at what he did.

His tenacity, his vigor, his drive...and to think, I never knew.

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...I'm just a reflection of Him. "He is the truth and He is so real and I love the way that He makes me feel...His light it shines so bright, I wouldn't lie."