Thursday, April 7, 2011


So, the semester's end is quickly approaching...and I'm trying hard not to be stressed. I've analyzed my classes and assessed the highest possible grades I can get in them at this point. It's not too bad, but because it's not a 4.0, I'm definitely not pleased. I'm my own toughest critic, but the worse thing about that is that because I'm so vexed by the criticism I'm inflicting upon myself, I'm unable to get into the mental space to actually put any effort toward reaching a level of achievement that will please me. I'm staring at the Post-It note that I used to write down the potential grades now...and I guess I am being a little hard on myself. If I take into account the courses that I'm not getting A's in, there's only one that I'm a little disappointed in...and I'm not extremely far from an A either...I think that's what pains me the most. I have three more classes after this semester and I'll be taking those in summer school. That gives me three more chances to make an A and another opportunity to get my GPA to the level that I want it to be before I receive my degree. With the government shutdown; however, Pell Grants are in flux and it's difficult to get money for school. I've never wanted for anything since God promised me that I would never have to, but I'm a little concerned as to whether or not I'll be able to pull together the $2,100 I need to finish out my degree this summer. Everything's been falling into perfect place regarding my move in August, so I can only trust that God wouldn't bring me this far to leave me. He knows my goals because He placed them there and I'm just going to trust Him to bring them into fruition.

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...I'm just a reflection of Him. "He is the truth and He is so real and I love the way that He makes me feel...His light it shines so bright, I wouldn't lie."