Thursday, January 7, 2010

Broken Hearts.

Something near and dear to me is the subject of relationships. I hate to see couples who were once so happy and in love come to a demise. It's understanding with wordly relationships, but I don't quite understand how anything can end when God is given an adequate portion in the relationship. Ughhhh...everytime I see a couple that I thought was so perfect break up, I wonder how the divorce rate will ever decrease (50%)!! I guess I need to take my own advice and mind my own business. Like Thess. 4:11-12 says, "seek to live a quiet life, minding your own business; so that you may be lacking nothing." I guess a lot of people within relationships seek to 1) please onlookers rather than their partners or 2) judge why other people have failed relationships rather than focusing on how theirs can prosper. So, note to self: "sometimes it's okay to be selfish. don't put your mouth or your mind on anyone elses relationship, friendship, or business period. that way, you won't be lacking anything, because all of your affairs will be well attended to."

Key to a Healthy Relationship: Put God first, seek Him before making major decisions, ensure that both people are on the same page, which means COMMUNICATE (people can handle the truth, it's a lie that hurts), "Let no man (not even yourself) put you asunder," -Mark 10:9, and be with someone who is not only where you're at, but where you're going! If they can't handle your future, why should they invade your present? By putting God first, your relationship will never get "boring," even as a Christian couple who limits intimacy. God is forever growing individuals and a committed relationship to Him is a daily breath of fresh air. So, imagine what He can do with two people!!!

Be encouraged! If He be lifted up, He'll draw you and your mate together!

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...I'm just a reflection of Him. "He is the truth and He is so real and I love the way that He makes me feel...His light it shines so bright, I wouldn't lie."