Friday, January 28, 2011
Restraining Anger.
Have you ever met someone who can make you feel like they cursed you out, yet they don’t even have to say a single curse word?…or maybe you are that person? Either way, all of us can relate to the disappointment felt after we realize that we’ve spoken out of anger, hurt a loved one, and are unable to reverse the hands of time to go back and reselect our words. The truth is that no matter how much damage sticks and stones are capable of causing, angry words are able to cause ten times more. Broken bones and other physical injuries are temporary, but internal injuries—as a result of words—have the power to break up friendships, end marriages, illicit school shootings, start wars, etc. So if we’re aware of the effects that our words can have on the egos and self-esteems of others, why do we continue to speak them out of anger? And to our loved ones at that? We can feel when we’re angry; we aren’t ignorant to the rising of heat inside of our chests, the sweat that moistens our palms, or the gritting of our incisors. And if we know when we’re getting angry, that means we also have the power to stop our anger from hurting someone else. There is no such thing as not being able to control yourself. James 3:8-10 (NKJV) says, “the tongue is unruly, evil, and full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and with it we also curse men…this should not be.” Knowing this, we have to learn to “be angry but sin not” (Ephesians 4:26, KJV) because our anger can ultimately lead to us losing those who are most important to us, but most importantly can cause us to shame our Father. Remember, “people with good sense restrain their anger.” (Proverbs 19:11, ESV)…and because I’m sure you want to be known as someone with good sense, it is imperative that you learn to restrain your anger.
Have a blessed day and thank you for reading!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
I Already Knew.
You lied to me.
You promised you would always be here.
So I accepted your words in exchange for my all.
But who's really to blame?
Me or you?
Maybe you really believed you'd never leave?
Or perhaps you were never really here to begin with?
I knew you were lying.
But is it wrong that part of me felt like if I ignored myself long enough I'd instead become the liar?
Maybe I was just being a pessimist?
I couldn't possibly know the future before it became reality, right?
I was different.
I was special.
I wasn't like any of those other girls that you'd forcefully pushed into oblivion.
Yet as different and as special as I was,
Here I stand.
With a fist full of your broken promises that I knew were never really whole to begin with.
What they forgot to tell you,
Coming up we were taught all kinds of absurd, yet beseeching things like "quitters never win," or "come hell or high waters, quitting is not an option." All great things to tell toddlers who can't grasp the concepts of tying their tennis shoes or not coloring outside of the lines, but not so relevant when it comes to "real life." What happens when you realize that the only way to achieve the happiness, fulfillment, and sense of purpose you desire is to quit? Or when the hell or high waters come and you reach the conclusion that what you're fighting for really isn't worth the fight? In those instances, is quitting acceptable? In Philippians 4:13 we're taught that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. But what the people who recite it to us when we reach the point where we want to withdraw our commitments fail to tell us is that yes, we CAN do all things, BUT we don't have to. When you reach a point where the only reason you're doing something is because you fear the reaction you'll get from everyone if you stop or when the fervor and joy you once had becomes apathy and obligation, you have to ask yourself whether or not quitting would be your wisest decision. What we have to realize is that quitting and giving up are two totally different actions. While quitting could be the perfect solution to an unnecessary problem, giving up is a permanent solution to a temporary one. Do things because you want to not because you have to, because truth be told, we have very few obligations in life, aside from the ones in our mind.
Have a blessed day and thank you for reading!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Love's Limbo
So many things in common, yet could it really be,
that I was made for you and you were made for me?
Or is it simply irony,
our chemistry;
Or a figment of our minds…so sublime?
We see things differently, yet you take the time to understand.
Is that the characteristic of someone who deserves to hold my hand?
Love is like inching around a dark corner in the middle of the night,
in response to a sound evading something that ‘just ain’t right.’
Unfortunately, uncertainty won’t reveal a “yes” or “no,” only time can do that.
Falling for you could present pleasure or it could be one of those times when curiosity kills the cat.
In limbo with running far away or staying and holding you tight,
my mind is forever in motion, as fear takes its flight.
Am I willing to devote the time to seeing what you’re all about?
Or instead of doting on each of our moments together, will I spend them plagued with doubt?
So many questions and fears, yet could it really be,
that the purpose of your existence is to simply set me free?
Or is this uncertainty merely a way for me,
to control the variables of time and destiny?
The Reasons for Pain.
You set yourself up to face the biggest challenges when you and another are engaging in a cooperative attempt to build a quality friendship, relationship, or partnership. The construction of these associations represent moments in time in which you finally encounter someone who holds a higher expectation of you than you do yourself. Though frustrating and vexed with "growing pains," after the foundation is laid, these unions have the potential to be the most beautiful and rewarding experiences that your life will ever entail. But anything that hurts is bad, right? No. Recall teething for a child, the development of breasts for a adolescent female, or the plight, including aches, bruises, and tears, to become a football star. All "painful" experiences, these are examples of good pain...pain that produces greatness. Bad pain; however, would be the pain that an eagle gets in its head when its flying in the wrong direction. The pain continues until the eagle re-routes its flight and this pain has a direct correlation to the hurt we endure when God is trying to put us on the right track and move us away from situations that mean us no good. Being that pain is an inescapable part of life and we're inevitably going to face it, it's imperative that we learn to determine whether the pain we're going through is designed to help us grow or to get us to change directions. Let's face the facts and realities of our situations, seek God, and determine the reasons for our pain.
Have a blessed day and thank you for reading!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Microwave or Oven?
The worse thing you could ever do is to allow your actions to be as inconsistent as your thoughts. Our minds act as a place for us to reason with and understand life. They simultaneously give us room to think, perceive, and judge, without the critical eye of those around us. How great is God for equipping us with such a complex device, that not only is able to solve problems, but is able to prevent them? It is when we fail to fully use our minds for what they were created for that we fall into great danger. No decision that you could ever make is so pressing that it can't be "tabled" and no choice should ever be chosen without a proper weighing of the pro's and con's. In a society where results overshadow the time put into them, we as Believers have to be wise enough to know when to use the oven and when to use the microwave. Fast may be convenient, but it's usually cheap and short-lived. From now on, let's vow to use the entire capacity of our minds to determine the best decisions, execute the best actions, and achieve the best results.
Have a blessed day and thank you for reading!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sight beyond what we see.
I'm sure that sometime within the duration of your life, you've questioned God. You may have wondered why people who you thought would always have your back failed you or why situations that you put all your faith into ended. You may have even thought those people or situations would come back around if you prayed hard enough, fasted long enough, and shed enough tears...because clearly God only allowed them to be taken away because He wanted you to prove how bad you wanted them, right? Amidst your prayers, food deprivations, and moments of lamentation, things may have gotten worse or simply faded into oblivion and eventually, you accepted the inevitable: for reasons that God didn't have to explain to you, the end came. During moments like those, when you're attempting to escape the undeniable and reverse the unavoidable, you must remember that God knows what's best for you. He has sight far beyond what you are able to see and He has ordered your steps to follow the path that will bring Him the most glory and you the most happiness. You are Royalty, you are chosen, you are destined to be great...and not everyone is worthy of experiencing the greatness that you're bound to become.
Have a blessed day and thank you for reading!
Love and basketball.
Waiting for grandiose moments in life, we often overlook simple things and ignore details. Yes, miracles are great, but so are the "normal" features that they're made up of. When God wakes us up each morning, He deserves as big of a spectacle as if He'd touched someone to write us a million dollar check. It is when we get too caught up in the large moments of life that we fail to realize just how loved, appreciated, and valued the small moments prove us to be. Big things don't "pop" everyday, but small ones occur every second. Simple text messages from the ones you love that ask how you're doing are just as meaningful as four page letters professing respect and adoration: they both prove that you were thought about. Rather than continuing to assume that the only way to say "I love you" is boisterously, let's fix our ears to the recognize the calm and quiet sounds of love. Let's be humble, let's be elementary, let's enjoy the 'love and basketballs,' the simple things in life.
Have a blessed day and thank you for reading!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Holding on and holding back.
Holding on and holding back may be different actions, but they both represent the same thing: FEAR. When we're afraid to embark upon new territories, embrace new people, and try new things, our natural reactions are to 1) hold on to the new situations in fear that, absent of our tight grip, they will slip away and 2) hold back our love and our loyalty so that if our abrogating assumptions actually become realities, we will be able to quickly detach ourselves from the situations without enduring as much pain as we would if we had committed our 100% to them. With practices like these, we will never become or possess what God has destined for us to. Insecurities, fears, and doubts are all a part of being a human, but submitting to them is not a part of being a Believer. It is important that we work through our anxieties instead of allowing them to make us hold on and hold back. Remember, fear tells you what could happen, but patience shows you what will. Don't surrender the possibility of greatness for the apprehension of failure.
Have a blessed day and thank you for reading!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Good Morning.
“Hardships do not come into our lives to make us feeble, weak, lame and disabled. Such a thing is only possible if we allow it to happen.” -Joni T.
In the midst of trials, it is so difficult to see pass the moment. Such a narrow perspective prevents us from remembering the past, in which God displayed His faithfulness to us, and seeing the future, where the fulfillment of His promises awaits. We find it hard to think, hard to hope, and hard to believe, as we’re suffocated by our present sufferings. We feel that there is no way out and that no other moment matters besides the one we’re currently in. But we must remember that just as our problems are strong and mighty, all the more strong and mighty is our God. Today and forevermore, let’s straighten our backs, make our dispositions pleasant, and lift our head and chins skyward as we’re up against the woes of life. After all, “the battle is not ours, but God’s” (2 Chronicles 20:15) and the victory is already secured. Congratulations…you’re ALWAYS a winner!
Thank you for reading and have a blessed day!!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Just live your life.
We live life from such limited viewpoints. Viewpoints which prevent us from seeing the bigger picture and ultimately prevent us from taking heed to what God is doing in our lives. We predetermine what kind of car we want to drive, what school we want to go to, what career path we want to follow, who we want to date, etc. Shortly after infancy, we're taught the value of making decisions and casting judgments, but unfortunately, we're never taught the value of allowing God to shape our lives and our lives to shape our decisions and judgments. While it is important to "stick to your gut," stay true to yourself, and refuse to compromise, it is much more important to be open-minded, ultimately knowing that anything aside from what is in the Word of God is nothing more than a personal opinion, which could potentially be a product of human error or misperception. Let's live life not according to predispositions, rather according to experiences. Remember, what you need should never take the backseat to what you want and more dynamically, in the words of Lauryn Hill, "what you want might make you cry, what you need might pass you by, and what you need ironically will turn out what you want to be, if you just let it." Live, love, laugh and leave the worries to your Father. Everything works out in the end.
Have a blessed day and thank you for reading!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Kickball with the Girl Next Door.
Everyone knows the feeling...standing there, waiting for your name to be called.
Pretending that there's something interesting on the ground because if you look up, you'll reveal a face full of tears.
Everyone knows the feeling...listening, watching your classmates organize themselves into one of two teams.
Acting like you have a text message because if you look up, you'll reveal eyes pierced with pain.
Everyone knows the feeling...realizing that you and the guy in the wheelchair are the only ones left.
Appearing to be nonchalant in hopes that your lack of concern disguises the disappointment you truly feel.
Everyone knows the feeling...being overlooked and under appreciated.
Wondering how many neighborhoods one person can live in simultaneously and how many next door neighbors one can really have.
Everyone knows the feeling...thinking you're invisible.
Considering that maybe you're intimidating, gawky, ugly, or perhaps suffering from a estrogen production disorder.
Everyone knows the feeling...deciding that it's not you, it's them.
Concluding that they just lack the know, the one that can find needles in haystacks and diamonds in coal mines.
Yeah...everyone knows the feeling, but not everyone has experienced it...
Friday, January 14, 2011
"Does your faith discriminate, or is it simply prejudice?"
Yesterday in my Sociology of Child Welfare class, we discussed the topics of prejudice and discrimination. Although I had never considered it before, I realized that they are two different words with related, yet contrasting meanings. To be prejudice of something, one must possess an unfavorable opinion or feeling of the said object of prejudice; however, to discriminate, one must actually act upon that unfavorable opinion or feeling. Hearing this immediately caused me to think of the correlation between faith, prejudice, and discrimination. As Believers, there is no doubt that we are inclined to support the doctrine of faith. We are opinionated in that we wholeheartedly know and feel that God can and will solve our problems, avenge our enemies, and fulfill our heart’s desires, but we fail to apply the faith that we have so much knowledge of into our daily lives. When we know without a “shout of a doubt” that God is able to bring us out and that we have the victory, yet we vex our minds with doubt, anxiety, and fear, we are simply being prejudice. However I am here today to tell you that God granted us the gift of faith not only so that we can be prejudice, but so that we can discriminate!! Not only must we know that “He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6) and that “with Him, nothing is impossible” (Luke 1:37), we must likewise act upon our knowledge. I encourage you not to settle for simply being prejudice, but to stretch your faith to it’s limits and to actually discriminate. Walk in the victory that God has already given you by not allowing yourself to succumb to thoughts and feelings of doubt. What benefit are tools and resources if we fail to apply them? Have faith…and use it!
Thank you for reading. I pray that you enjoy your day!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Talk About What Matters.
Have a blessed day :)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Good Stewardship.
Today's devotional topic is "Good Stewardship."
...The Bible challenges us to be good stewards over all that God has given us. In fact, Matthew 25:23 assures us that being faithful over a few things will lead to our becoming rulers over many.
This good stewardship that the Word speaks of can be in reference to anything…we are to be good stewards over our time (not being lazy, making the most out of every minute), money (being frugal with our spending), possessions (taking care of what we have, even if it isn’t exactly what we want), etc.
With that being said, one of the gifts of God that I believe we most abuse is time.
God gives us twenty-four hours a day, the majority of which are spent doing nothing.
I was at an entrepreneurship seminar a few weeks ago and the speaker said “Donald Trump has the same twenty-four hours you do, what is he doing differently with his?”
That made me think…“what am I doing or not doing that Donald Trump isn’t or is???”
My loves, we HAVE to do better…we’re spending too much of our serious time with casual people and on casual things. We’re posting Facebook statuses and tweeting about making the most of every moment, but we’re wasting all of our moments posting Facebook statuses and tweeting!!
It’s time for a change!!!
We need to become more organized, more efficient, and more task-oriented.
So get out your calendars and agenda, put on your ‘focus focals,’ and get to work.
We’ve already wasted 17, 280 of 2011’s minutes so far (it’s January 12…(12 days * 24 hours)*60 minutes= 17, 280), so let’s make the most of those that remain.
…and how much of our time is serious you ask?? ALL OF IT!!!
God bless you and thank you for reading!! I pray that you have a productive and BETTER THAN BLESSED DAY!!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
"Lumpy Rugs"
These “lumpy rugs” as I call them are what hold us all back from establishing and maintaining stable friendships and relationships.
They are what keep us from having clear minds and clear hearts.
They are what prevent us from being able to find room to accommodate those who have our best interests at heart.
They are what bind us to past situations and past people, in fear that the characteristics of those circumstances and individuals will take precedence in our current lives.
They are what cause us to have narrow mindsets, assuming that every person is the same as the one person who hurt us.
By constantly sweeping our issues under rugs that we assume to be points of no return, we are actually creating obstacles.
These obstacles, in turn, make it difficult for those who genuinely care about us and who want to love us to enter the homes of our lives and safely make it to our couches of comfort without stumbling over issues that they had no role in creating.
We have to stop punishing the people who love us for things that the people who could care less about us did.
We have to stop reacting negatively to our present friends and partners when their actions remind of us our ex-friends and partners.
Everyone is not out to get you and every action that is similar does not have the same intent.
Confront your issues head on instead of sweeping them under rugs and make it your business to take nothing from the past, but a lesson learned.
Have a blessed day and thanks for reading!!Monday, January 10, 2011
"Meditate on These Things..."
I don’t know about you all, but I am a sucker for comparisons. The majority of my personal relationships are under constant scrutiny…and since I’m being transparent, I’ll admit that I often look for the smallest reason to consider a person unsuitable to continue being in my life.
Rather than meditating on “whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report” [Philippians 4:8], I make outlandish comparisons to past people and past experiences, not even giving the present person the chance to (if they even were going to) commit the offense that the past person did.
I’ll say “we,” because I’m sure you can relate…WE have to stop being so quick to find fault in others. Just because we’ve been in past situations that hurt us, left us broken, and caused us trouble doesn’t mean that all of our friendships and relationships will have that same ending.
God would not have us to be ignorant [2 Corinthians 2:11]…trust me, He will let us know when or if to cut people out of our life who mean us no good.
We’re in a NEW YEAR…if you haven’t left 2010 on December 31, promise me that you’ll leave it at the conclusion of this email. God has some amazing things in store for us, but we can’t gain new things with old mindsets! Instead of meditating on the past, let’s pledge to meditate on those things outlined in Philippians 4:8!!
God bless you and THANK YOU so much for reading!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Concept of the Day #2
My make-up and hair was simple...pony puff, Coastal Scents shadow, and my 24-carat gold lipstick by Cover Girl.
Lots of New Things!!
Last week, I decided to take a mid-week vacation to Richmond...there, I was able to get a ton of great things at Short Pump ;-)
And I also was able to pay the notorious Cookout a visit...
Pics and review below =)
Two lines, unlimited choices...SOOO, HOW WAS THE FOOD???
You get so much food for $4.25 that it's ridiculous...a burger, two sides (which can include chicken nuggets or a chicken quesadilla), and a drink). For an extra dollar, you can get a milkshake...which seems to be the best thing they have to offer.
I recommend the Cheesecake Shake!
...But I wasn't too pleased by the food. I'm sorry, but I have to give Cookout two thumbs down. (Don't shoot me)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
(Screams) Pretty Little Liars Premieres TONIGHT!!
ATTN: This is NOT a Resolution.

Sunday, January 2, 2011
And on Saturday, classes start :(
It's a bittersweet feeling.
I'm excited about beginning new courses...
...BUT I'm terribly afraid that I'll be super busy.
...AND I'm tired just thinking about it.
My goals for this semester are to (in no particular order):
- Get accepted to graduate school.
- Do well (and by "do well," I mean get straight A's, but I'll take as close as possible)
- Be fly, fancy, and divalicious everyday!
- To complete a successful officer transition for all of my extracurricular orgs (I can't believe I'll be gone soon)
- Go on as many road trips and have as much fun as possible...I'm looking at NYC for spring break!
Welp, it's time for me to go rest up for my big day tomorrow!
Let's Talk Reviews!!
First off is my lavender bed coat (I refer to it as a "cropped Snuggie")'s a wildly effective investment for anyone who loves to read, study, or watch television in bed. The only issue I have with it is that it is made of 100% Polyester and caused a bit of itching and discomfort after long periods of wear :(
But if you can stand polyester and want to read without being restricted by bulky blankets and covers, this is for you.
Check me out sporting it in the picture below...and visit to purchase the same jacket for only $14.99!!
Next, we have "The Conversation" by Hill Harper...

This book gets TWO thumbs up, FIVE stars, NINE planets, 125 galaxies, 1.9 million asteroids...ok, ok, you get the point, LOL: I highly recommend "The Conversation."
Although it is a book primarily focused on building trusting and committed relationships between Blacks, I would recommend it to those of you who aren't exactly seeking relationships.
As someone who isn't "searching for love" or even an active dater, I gained a lot of knowledge about my self, my friends and family, and my race from reading.
I can truly say that this book prompted me to detox myself from past situations and begin my journey toward becoming a part of the solution and NOT the problem.

How could I not love this??
Saturday, January 1, 2011
In this instance, I'm not referring to the " often diminutive preternatural being from mountainous regions, with magical powers, given to capricious and often mischievous interference in human affairs." (BIG UPS to my favorite website for that)...
BUT instead, I'm talking eyes, lips, and face makeup and cosmetics.
Let's talk moola.
They have TOP quality brushes and applicator tools for as low as $1.
YES, you read me correctly: $1.
Let's talk reviews.
100% of their products are given a 4 out of 5 star rating from everyday users.
Let's talk buzz.
Everyone who's anyone who wants to save money and not forsake quality uses them.
ELF is one of the hottest selling products across the USA, Australia, and England; it's even supported by Oprah and CNN!
Let's talk eco-friendliness.
"All natural, PETA approved products," 'nuff said.
Let's talk coupons!
Up until the 3rd, get FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $25 by using the coupon code SHIP25.
If you're anything like me, you hate shipping CLICK now, now, now and get you some ELF!!
They have great brushes ;-)
Just thought I'd offer a simple English lesson for all of my readers...we're in a new YEAR (singular), not a "new years." I won't go too deep into it because you'll hate me for all the details, so let's just leave it at that :-)
Now, let's cut to the chase...**fanfare please**
I brought in the New Year in a new kind of way.
This year I didn't ring it in at church like I've traditionally done (long story), but instead I rung it in beside my best friend Charnelle at one of our mutual friends' apartments.
It was a foreign experience to me as I can't recall a 12:00am January 1 that I wasn't in the sanctuary of some brick-faced church.
Nonetheless, this newness wasn't bad...nor was it to reap me hellfire and damnation as I'd assumed, but it was just that: NEW.
The irony behind me not attending church this year is in that I still know my new experience was a move of God...I think we limit him so oft to "church, the Bible, the object of the cross" and other "saintly" figures...failing to experience Him in a more abundant fashion.
I can truly say that I enjoyed myself and completely represented Him to all of the beautiful people I brought this wonderful, blessed year in with.
As you can see, I'm totally loving adjectives this year =)...all a part of my newly adopted "no negativity" mantra: EVERYTHING CAN BE AND WILL BE MADE POSITIVE!
- dy
- ...I'm just a reflection of Him. "He is the truth and He is so real and I love the way that He makes me feel...His light it shines so bright, I wouldn't lie."