Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kickball with the Girl Next Door.

Everyone knows the feeling...standing there, waiting for your name to be called.

Pretending that there's something interesting on the ground because if you look up, you'll reveal a face full of tears.

Everyone knows the feeling...listening, watching your classmates organize themselves into one of two teams.

Acting like you have a text message because if you look up, you'll reveal eyes pierced with pain.

Everyone knows the feeling...realizing that you and the guy in the wheelchair are the only ones left.

Appearing to be nonchalant in hopes that your lack of concern disguises the disappointment you truly feel.

Everyone knows the feeling...being overlooked and under appreciated.

Wondering how many neighborhoods one person can live in simultaneously and how many next door neighbors one can really have.

Everyone knows the feeling...thinking you're invisible.

Considering that maybe you're intimidating, gawky, ugly, or perhaps suffering from a estrogen production disorder.

Everyone knows the feeling...deciding that it's not you, it's them.

Concluding that they just lack the know, the one that can find needles in haystacks and diamonds in coal mines.

Yeah...everyone knows the feeling, but not everyone has experienced it...

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...I'm just a reflection of Him. "He is the truth and He is so real and I love the way that He makes me feel...His light it shines so bright, I wouldn't lie."