Sunday, March 20, 2011

Music Spotlight: Janelle Monae

I LOVE music.

It wasn't until about a year ago that I actually started listening to it regularly, but now it has such a tremendous place in my life.

Anyone who knows me knows that I enjoy enig
ma. I'd rather use large, uncommonly used words or phrases that mean the same thing as smaller, commonly known ones just because not everyone would know off-hand what I mean. So, when it comes to song lyrics, I love subliminal messages, verses that require outside knowledge and research to understand...yea, all that.

I enjoy so many artists, but I'm particularly inclined to old skool music because it tends to have that essence of mystery that I enjoy. A wonderful new skool artist is Janelle Monae (pictured here). Monae is sooooooo cool. She uses future-age imagery and lyricism to produce techno-quality beats and music. Not to mention, she's a naturalista...and I think she's gorgeous!

Monae hit the scene in the early 2000's when she first hooked up with OutKast. Years later, she has been chosen to tell the story of 57821, Cindy Mayweather, a archandriod from the year 2719. Cindy is dealing with social injustice and her, along with other oppressed individuals, need Monae to tell their story. Monae plans to release a graphic novel and perhaps, a movie in order to communicate the narrative.

There are so many things I can say about her, because she's so complex, but I'll keep it simple by agreeing with her being creative, fearless, and "a different kind of diva."

"While people are categorizing what they think I may be doing, I'm focusing on creating more art. I've made a life-long commitment to stay true to art and making sure that it is preserved." -Janelle Monae

I believe we can learn a lot from Monae; one lesson being to choose something that you're passionate about and make a lifetime commitment to please it instead of the onlookers. When we get sidetracked by people, we get distracted from our purpose, initiating the loss of our happiness and our uniqueness. Monae has shown me that it's perfectly fine to be unlike anyone else.

Stay tuned, she has so much in store for her fans!

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...I'm just a reflection of Him. "He is the truth and He is so real and I love the way that He makes me feel...His light it shines so bright, I wouldn't lie."