Saturday, March 12, 2011

Updates! :)

Okay, so over a month has passed and SO much about my life has changed. The majorly (is that a word?) noticeable changes are as follows:

  • I started growing dreads!! I love them SO, SO, SO, SO, VERY much. In the stage that their in right now, I've nicknamed them "Peasies;" however, I'm looking for another name for when they grow longer. The name "NKYINKYIM" kind of has me sold. It's West African for "twisting" and is the symbol for initiative, dynamism, and versatility. I think that's the perfect name for my grown-up Peasies and the perfect word to describe me! Now I just have to figure out how to pronounce it (lol)
  • I stopped getting my eyebrows done :( Only for the time being. I went to the M.A.C. counter back in January and the sales associate told me that I had such a lovely arch and that my eyebrows had the potential to be so full...contingent upon me not getting them done every two weeks like I had been doing. She said that I only need to get my eyebrows done every 3-6 months and that's only if there's no possible way for me to manage them at that point. She also schooled me by telling me that they should only take hair from the top and NEVER the bottom. Since then, I have been using my M.A.C. eyebrow pencil (color: Spiked) to fill in the gaps in my brows. I've been tweezing and snipping little pieces when necessary, but for the most part, they've been holding up. I'm proud...and in a few more months, I'll be the even prouder owner of a thick set of eyebrows (lol)
  • I'm not sure if this is a noticeable change, but it will be soon! I've started going back to the gym. In the past, I've went faithfully for up to three weeks at a time...only to stop and not go back for at least a month or two. I HAVE TO BREAK THAT CYCLE. The day before yesterday (03/10/11) I made up my mind that I was going to go to the gym that next morning. And you know what? I woke up at 6:30 and I did!! I think what has discouraged me in the past is the fact that I wasn't running the treadmill at the rate that I wanted to. But, it's a process...and as long as I keep my goal in mind and push myself to become a little better each day, I'll be there in no time.
Some other changes that are not so noticeable are my post-graduation plans and my recent epiphany about my sense of fashion. Instead of staying in the area and attending a local university (which, by the way, has an AMAZING social work program), I've decided on making a big move!! I'll keep everything to myself for now, but I'm excited...I've been here for almost 21 years (100 days 'til my 21st...yay!) and my welcome has long been overstayed!

Regarding my fashion sense, I've realized how vintage I am becoming. I went to the thrift store twice last week, spending about $50 total and coming out with 8 handbags/clutches, 4 or 5 blouses, a skirt, a couple of scarves, and a
beautiful corduroy jacket from Banana Republic. The funny thing is that I have SO many unworn clothes. I am always well put together when I go to class, but I rarely ever put any effort into getting dressed. Since there's nothing to do around here, there's no reason to wear anything worth wearing. I'm just going to assume that God is stocking up my wardrobe for the big move?! ;-)

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...I'm just a reflection of Him. "He is the truth and He is so real and I love the way that He makes me feel...His light it shines so bright, I wouldn't lie."