Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So Many Things...

Admist my genetically inherited external cries of "me oh my," there is a reason I'm quoting my grandmother.


Becoming more in touch with myself has led me to pursue some of my lifelong dreams.

I want to begin yoga.

I want to learn to play the guitar (previous post).

I want to try some print modeling.

I want to start my own event-planning business.

I want to learn more about these natural coils I sport.

I want more tattoos.

...and that's just what I can remember right now.

All in addition to being a full-time student. So how will it be done?

You know me all too below along with blogs that feature each subject (per my ability to find them)!! :-)
Tips: [via my best friend, Detron]
1. Reduce (in an attempt to eliminate) naptime. Six to eight hours per night is enough to remain healthy. This way you can spend the rest of your time GRINDIN' (Clipse beat plays in the background)
2. Be patient with yourself. Manage your time by dedicating 15 minutes a day to each activity. Everything has a start. This will condition you for increase.
3. Invest in a schedule book. Time management is your best friend!
4. Commit yourself to multi-tasking. If you can manage to watch your favorite TV show while knocking out homework (don't kill me professors) during commercial breaks you've succeeded! What's that saying, "kill two birds with one stone?"
Natural Hair--(there are so many) is a fave!!
Alright, ttyl...I'm off to try out this Yoga thing. Wish me luck.

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...I'm just a reflection of Him. "He is the truth and He is so real and I love the way that He makes me feel...His light it shines so bright, I wouldn't lie."